Security Insights

How Reliable Are Security Cameras at Night - tattletale portable alarm systems

How Reliable Are Security Cameras at Night?

Construction site theft is a serious concern around the country. If youโ€™re thinking about installing security cameras for enhanced jobsite security, youโ€™re likely expecting them to provide you with around-the-clock protection. The need for jobsite security systems doesnโ€™t stop at night. In fact, you need an even greater level of security when your employees arenโ€™t […]

What Is the Best Front Door Security - tattletale portable alarm systems

What Is the Best Front Door Security?

When it comes to securing your home, the front door is undoubtedly a great place to start. Statistically speaking, 34% of burglars enter a home through the front door. Therefore, homeowners need to find ways to discourage criminals from targeting their homes and make it more difficult for them to get inside. While thereโ€™s no […]

How Are Cameras Helpful for Jobsite Security - tattletale portable alarm systems

How Are Cameras Helpful for Jobsite Security?

As a business owner in the construction industry, you know that securing your jobsite is of the utmost importance. While you may have made serious investments in lighting, fencing, signage, and equipment storage to this end, itโ€™s also important to consider adding cameras to your security system. While you may think installing jobsite security cameras […]

What Are the Benefits of Jobsite Security - tattletale portable alarm systems

What Are the Benefits of Jobsite Security?

Jobsite security can be a challenging concern, especially if your jobsite requires working in open, outdoor spaces. Because itโ€™s not feasible to remove all of your equipment from the worksite at the end of each shift, youโ€™ll need to take practical on-site security measures. In addition to preventing the theft of your equipment, security technology […]

Do Criminals Avoid Houses With Security Cameras - tattletale portable alarm systems

Do Criminals Avoid Houses With Security Cameras?

Itโ€™s not uncommon to think of surveillance cameras when the topic of home security arises. While video surveillance can aid in identifying home invaders, youโ€™ll want your security system to make criminals think twice about trespassing on your property. Fortunately, recent studies have found that security cameras are highly effective in deterring criminal activity. Making […]

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